We all know the ideal characteristics of an airplane read - not too heavy to carry, not to heavy to read, big print, fast pace. Of course it's also important that these books don't make you laugh or cry too much in such a close and public space lest you end up looking like a bit of an eejit.
So, given that I want to wholeheartedly recommend the book The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stern. However, I will warn you that it will make you cry in all sorts of ways - happy, sad, touched, reflective, angry, you name it. So, get it. Read it, but either do it in private or wear large sunglasses and ensure the person next to you is wearing headphones and an eye mask.
This is one of the most beautiful stories (all the elements), gorgeously written and will leave you even more in love with your dog than you are now.
I read this book on a flight from Salt Lake to Denver and then to Boston. I'm not sure how recently you have flown on an American internal flight, but they're dismal (tea takes like styrofoam, no in flight entertainment (other than the person next to you and we all know what a lottery that is), and seats that leave you begging for some Chinese water torture to take the edge off the pain in your tailbone). Well, even the cabin crew on this flight (who are trained I believe to have no engagement with passengers lest we ask for some sort of service) were embarrassed for the poor man next to me as I laughed, snorted and sniffed my way across America.
Get it and read it and buy one for your best friend who loves dogs.
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